our Distinctives


our Distinctives

Faith Baptist Church is a traditional, independent, fundamental Baptist church. The term, Baptist, defines more than our belief about baptism. The following acrostic serves as a good tool for accurately defining what we mean by Baptist.

B  – The Bible is our only authority for faith and practice (II Tim. 3:15-16). We reject the authority of tradition and church counsels. We stand on the authority of God’s Word alone (Is. 8:20).

A – The Autonomy of the Local Church.The church, as a congregation, is responsible for all decisions pertaining to church officers (Acts 6:1-5), dispersement of funds (I Cor. 16:1-3), doctrinal statements (Acts 15), commission of missionaries (Acts 13), and discipline of its members (Matt. 18: 15-17; I Cor. 5). As an autonomous local Baptist congregation, Faith Baptist Church is a self-governing congregational assembly not aligned with any denomination or obligated to its oversight.

P – The Individual Priesthood of the Believer (I Peter 2:5,9).  The New Testament declares that every born-again believer can access the very throne of God through “one Mediator, the man Christ Jesus” (I Tim.2:5).  Each professing believer is a practicing priest who represents God to man and man to God.

T – Two ordinances are practiced at Faith Baptist Church – 1.) Believer’s baptism (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:41; 8:36-38) by immersion and 2.) The Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11:23-26) as an ongoing remembrance of the sacrifice of the Savior for our sins.

I – Individual Soul Liberty(II Tim. 2:15).  Every believer will one day give account for his or her own decisions and actions before the Judgment Seat of Christ (II Cor. 5:10).Therefore we must respect every believer’s right to read, interpret, and practice what is taught in Scripture as he or she lives and walks in the liberties enjoyed through Christ.

S – A Saved Church Membership (Acts 2:41f).  Every member of Faith Baptist Church must profess Christ as personal Savior (Rom. 10:13).

T – Two offices are respected within the congregation of the New Testament church: the pastor and the deacon (I Tim. 3; Phil. 1:1). We believe that the words pastorelder, and bishop refer to the same office (I Pet. 5:1-4; Acts 20:17, 28-30).We refer to our elders as pastors, believing that the word pastor is a term of endearment and relationship (Acts 20:28-30), elder a term of respect and authority,and bishop one of administrative position (I Tim. 3:1).  Deacons are to be spiritual men who strive to meet the needs of others. They serve under the oversight of the pastors and are elected by the congregation (Acts 6:1-7).

Faith Baptist Church is pleased to be known as a traditional, historic, balanced, Bible-based, evangelistically-fervent, family-friendly Baptist church.