
Our Community


Our Community

Faith Baptist Church of Folsom was born out of a love for this community. It began in the garage of one of our residents and was the fruit of the efforts of a small band of people with a burden and love for Folsom. That burden continues to motivate us at Faith each week. Members of our church can often be found alongside our pastor serving our law enforcement personnel, our city leaders, at our local foodbank, and in many other ways. Folsom is a unique place to live, full of potential and future! From our beautiful surroundings, to our unique history, to our safe and family-friendly atmosphere, there are few places as enjoyable and rewarding to get to live and do ministry as Folsom. We count it a true privilege to get to represent the Lord Jesus Christ in this community and hope to be an integral part of Folsom, making a difference in the lives of families and individuals, for a long time to come!